Who Are The 12 Tribes of Israel
Lost Now Found’s mission is to wake up Israel while also enlightening the entire Christian community about secrets hidden for the past 400 years. We will start this conversation with the summary below.
Modern day Lemba and Ebo cultures that currently reside in Africa, represent two of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Tribe of Judah and Benjamin. They carry the Aaron Priest gene. Aaron just so happens to be the brother of Moses and High Priest of the Levite Tribe. DNA from the Lemba and Ebo tribes is a perfect match to the original Hebrew Israelites. During the slave trade these Israelites where then shipped from the west ports of Africa to North and South America and the Central Islands. More specifically, the slaves that were shipped from the west ports embarked from Nigeria, Angola, Congo, and Sierre Leone. This coastal region was former known as Negro Land, the Kingdom of Judah and Benin.
For a complete look at the true identity of the lost Children of Israel, their geographic origins, DNA roots, lineage, and bible scripture confirmation, watch the first episode of “Black History in Plain Sight!” You don’t want to miss it!